Since, US started to consider the implementation of PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), many websi...
Google Good to Know
Shell RS
Google Good to Know tries to educate the non-techi users about safe and secure web surfing. You can find videos and other interactive way ...
Display and Print Web page long formatted text taken from the textarea
Shell RS
How many times you have faced the issue that user has put lots of data in text area either from copy paste from the Word document or past...
Have conflict with manager, how to deal it?
Shell RS
The biggest mistake, Sam had done is to put his view aggressivly to his manager who he feels not capable or not having enough qualities to l...
Get Grinder on roll – Setup Guide
Shell RS
Setting up the Performance testing open source tool Grinder is pretty simple, you need to do the followings to get it on roll:
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