IPv6 launched on June 06,2012

Finally, today (06-Jun-2012), IPv6 is launched and deployed by many of the major Internet companies like Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, MS Bing, Cisco etc as per World IPv6 Launch organization. Moreover, it was done almost one year after the World IPv6 Day held on 08-Jun-2012.
The Internet we've relied on so far (IPv4) has space for 2^32 addresses—about 4.3 billion. The new, larger IPv6 expands the limit to 2^128 addresses—more than 340 trillion, trillion, trillion! Enough for essentially unlimited growth for the foreseeable future. Without the rollout of Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6), which formally begins today for participating websites and other organizations on the web, we won’t have the room we need to grow. - Google

We were getting out of the IP numbers as some time we do with the phone number. Growing number of devices connected to internet made everybody to think that IPv4 is not going to provide the required IP addresses, hence came the IPv6. It may going to be normal thing in future but today it is great and it is going to be great as it was IPv4.

Happy Internet-ing! and lets give the warm welcome to IPv6.

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- InstantKick Team